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What to Look Out for When Having Botox for Blepharospasm

on May 01, 2013

While Botox is quite popular for its cosmetic use in ironing out wrinkles and reducing the appearance of fine lines, Dr. Parley D. Fillmore and his team also use Botox in Las Cruces as a treatment for eyelid spasms, also known as blepharospasm.

Las Cruces Eye Care: Getting to Know the Omega-3s

on May 01, 2013

Dry eyes is one of the most common eye problem treated by Dr. Fillmore and his Las Cruces eye care team at the Fillmore Eye Clinic. This condition is primarily caused by your eyes not producing enough tears - a combination of oils, moisture, mucus, and special proteins. With less tears produced, an imbalance could occur around the eye leading to infection and other signs associated with dry eyes. Yet, fret no more! A daily dose of healthy Omega-3s will surely keep those tears flowing, in a not so depressing way of course.

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