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01 Aug

Avoiding Sports-Related Eye Injuries Is Not as Difficult As You Think!

As eye care professionals here in our Las Cruces eye care practice, we have numerous people visiting us for eye injury treatments - from black eyes to punctured eyelids, most of which are associated with sports and recreational activities. It is interesting to note, however, that these injuries are actually preventable. Yet, majority of us simply take these preventive measures for granted, one of which includes wearing protective eye wear.

The “Almost Always Forgotten” Protective Eye Wear

Although most guidelines in activities associated with sports are quick to remind the participants about wearing protective devices such as helmets, elbow pads, and shin guards, the protective eye wear is almost always overlooked.

Here at our eye care practice, we encourage anyone who engages in sports, whether professional or recreational, to consider wearing protective eye wear Whether you’re in a school team or simply playing with family and friends, it is best to secure yourself with goggles, eye guards, and safety glasses.

The average eye wear isn’t designed to protect you from possible eye injuries. Consider the lenses in a regular eye wear as an example. Regular lenses could not actually withstand impact of a ball or any object travelling at a very high speed.

To learn more about protective eye wear call us at 1-800-323-4764. You can also fill out this contact form for personal consultations. We look forward to your visit!

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